Self managed super funds : Things to know about investing in property
What is an SMSF loan?
An SMSF loan is a type of loan that allows an SMSF to borrow money to invest in property. There are two types of SMSF loans available in Australia: Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements (LRBAs) and SMSF Property Loans.
LRBAs are the most common type of SMSF loan. They are used to purchase a single asset, such as a residential or commercial property, and the asset is held in a separate trust. The SMSF borrows the money to buy the asset, and the trust is the legal owner of the property until the loan is repaid. If the SMSF defaults on the loan, the lender’s recourse is limited to the property held in the trust. This means the lender cannot seize any other assets the SMSF has to recover the debt.
On the other hand, SMSF Property Loans are similar to traditional property loans but are designed explicitly for SMSFs. The SMSF borrows the money to purchase the property, and the property is held directly by the SMSF. If the SMSF defaults on the loan, the lender has full recourse to the assets held by the SMSF to recover the debt.
Benefits of SMSF Loans
One of the key benefits of SMSF loans is that they allow individuals to invest in property or other assets through their superannuation fund. This can be a tax-effective way to grow retirement savings, as the income earned on the investment is taxed at the concessional superannuation rate of 15%.
SMSF loans offer greater flexibility and control over investments than traditional superannuation funds. With an SMSF, the trustee has the power to decide where to invest the fund’s assets, which can include a range of investments such as property, shares, and cash.
Additionally, SMSF loans can provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility. Property and other tangible assets, such as gold or silver, can provide a stable source of income and capital growth, regardless of fluctuations in the share market.
Risks of SMSF Loans
Despite the potential benefits of SMSF loans, some risks must be carefully considered before taking out this type of loan.
One of the main risks is that SMSF loans are typically secured against a single asset, which means that if the value of that asset declines, the SMSF may struggle to repay the loan. This can be particularly problematic if the SMSF does not have sufficient cash reserves to cover the loan repayments.
Another risk is that SMSF loans are subject to strict compliance requirements, and failure to meet these requirements can result in significant penalties and tax consequences. For example, if the SMSF breaches the sole purpose test, the fund may lose its concessional tax status, and the members may be liable to pay higher tax rates on their superannuation income.
Being a mortgage broking firm, we have access to multiple specialised lenders for SMSF loans and help you identify the product based on your objectives and goals. So, if you are thinking about SMSF loans and need help figuring out where to start, we are here to help. Submit the form below for an obligation free discussion.